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The Reformed probably represents the best overall human theological tradition. As a human tradition, it invents things that complicate and undermine the biblical system of truth, and it often rebels against God’s doctrines and commands. Compatibilism is one example. The tradition also embraces cessationism, which is one of the most demonic and harmful heresies in human history.
The truth that God continues to work miracles for people and through people is just as essential as other Christian doctrines. Both Jesus and the apostles presented it as the front and center of the gospel (Luke 4, Acts 2). Anyone who affirms cessationism is a heretic, a false teacher, and a puppet of Satan to drag the church into a state of weakness and defeat.
There is no need to resign ourselves to either the unbelief in Reformed and Evangelical circles or to the fanaticism in other places. You do not need to choose from any human tradition. Affirm the truth as God revealed it in the Bible, and have faith that God will manifest his miracles and blessings.
It is the custom to bow down and worship under a school of human tradition. If you refuse, you will probably face persecution from modern-day Pharisees. I am attacked with slander from all sides, and also very boring and stupid criticisms. Cling to the Lord Jesus and serve him alone. Then you will remain bold to speak in his name, and you will not be intimidated by men.