Theology – Borders Edition
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As God said by Jeremiah, “Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight.”
The Borders series is a collection of writings designed to be adaptable for engaging study, everyday reading, podcasts and audiobooks, and translation for a global audience.
This volume, Theology, is based on the original Systematic Theology, rewritten in the Borders format. It is available in PDF and EPUB, and as an 8-hour audiobook.
Sections include:
“The Inspiration of Scripture,” “God and Christian Rationalism,” “The Trinity of God,” “The Creation of Man,” “The Person of Christ,” “Chosen by God,” and “Empowered by God.”
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The Adventures of Jesus Christ
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Episodes from the Life of Jesus for Young Readers
In a world where faith was weak and miracles were forgotten, in a small town called Nazareth, a journey began that would change the course of history.
From his humble birth to his miraculous ministry, witness the story of the greatest man who ever lived. A story of miracles unlike any ever witnessed. A story of compassion that touches every soul. A story of power that cannot be denied.
Stepping into a society filled with faithless morons much like your favorite theologians and preachers, one man brought hope, healing, and a message that would define humanity forever. He challenged the religious, empowered the weak, and showed the true meaning of faith.
And when it seemed like all was lost, the greatest victory of all time was won. This is not just a story from the past. It is a movement that continues today.
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UNPARDONABLE — Hell, Guaranteed
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Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit receives sharper emphasis and greater coverage in the Gospels, and in more vivid language, than the doctrines of election, baptism, and communion. However, it is the single most distorted, rejected, and neglected major doctrine in the history of the church. All who call themselves Christians, even when they disagree on other things to the point of violence, somehow unite against Jesus on this doctrine. It is also the most dangerous doctrine to be treated this way. The sin results in an irrevocable verdict of damnation, so that repentance is outright denied to the person even though he might live for many decades after the offense and even if he cries out for mercy for the rest of his life.
Thus it is far more devastating to distort and neglect this doctrine than other issues such as predestination and eschatology. Any false step is terminal. Still, throughout history, people have wanted to change what it means to blaspheme the Spirit so that they can dismiss it and bury it in the sand. This makes them complicit. In fact, some of them do this so that they can criticize the works of the Spirit, such as healing the sick and speaking in tongues, and still assure themselves that they have not committed the unpardonable sin, but that they are even doing God a service. This makes them reprobate. According to Jesus, these people have never been Christians and they can never become Christians. They are damned. They will burn in hell forever.
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Systematic Theology
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An introduction to Christian theology as a coherent system of beliefs founded on the sovereignty of God and the infallibility of Scripture. Contents: 1. Theology, 2. Scripture, 3. God, 4. Man, 5. Christ, and 6. Salvation.
Ultimate Questions
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An introduction to the basic principles of a Christian worldview. Contents: 1. Christian Philosophy, 2. Christian Soteriology, and 3. Christian Apologetics.
Presuppositional Confrontations
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The heart of this book is an exposition of Paul’s encounter with the Athenians in Acts 17. It shows how the apostle confronted non-Christian religions and philosophies, and how we may mirror his approach today. Contents: 1. Challenge, 2. Confrontation, and 3. Conquest.
The Sermon on the Mount
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An exposition on the Sermon on the Mount. Topics covered include: the kingdom of God, the Christian counter-culture, the relevance of God’s law, the commandments on murder, adultery, divorce, oaths, retaliation, love, and Jesus’ teachings on biblical inerrancy, hypocritical piety, hypocritical judgment, legalism, materialism, exclusivism, and antinomianism.
The Ministry of the Word
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This volume combines three previously published works into a general introduction on the ministry of the word. Contents: 1. Sufficient and Profitable, 2. Preach the Word, and 3. Teach the Nations.
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Commentary on Galatians
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Paul writes to a church that has been infiltrated by false teachers, and provides a corrective on how a person is justified before God. Besides the fact that it is divine revelation, the letter’s enduring relevance is ensured because it is a statement of the core of the gospel, because it defines the place of its teachings in relation to other biblical doctrines, and because it models the manner in which we are to defend the faith against objections and distortions.
Commentary on Ephesians
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Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians amounts to a short course in theology. It has been hailed as “The Queen of the Epistles” because of its exalted and majestic teachings. Sound theology leads to spiritual stability, so that God’s people would not be tossed here and there by every wind of doctrine. “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”
Commentary on Philippians
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Much of what is called Christian teaching today emphasizes the way to emotional peace and physical comfort. In contrast, Paul commends the Philippians for being partners with him in the faith, and encourages them to remain united by the faith, so that they may live for the faith. Paul teaches his readers to seek first the kingdom of God, even if it leads to suffering and hardship. He says that he can be content under all circumstances by the strength that Christ gives. Instead of using the Christian life as an excuse or a platform to pursue the interests of men, the apostle teaches a Christianity that promotes and pursues the interests of Christ.
Commentary on Colossians
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Paul’s letter to the Colossians weaves together high theology with holy living, and exhortations with warnings. Its main theme is the fullness of Christ, and the fullness that Christians have in him. Christ’s person and work are complete, and Christians have benefited from this completeness. Any attempt to supplement or replace the person and work of Christ therefore undermines and devalues him, and compromises the Christian faith. This commentary confronts several controversial doctrines, including the incomprehensibility of God and the origin of sin and evil. Other features include a summary of systematic theology from the perspective of christology, discussions on true versus false philosophy, true versus false spirituality, what it means to see the Father by “looking at” Jesus, the priorities of Paul in life and prayer, and the true nature of the Great Commission.
Commentary on 1 & 2 Thessalonians
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The two Pauline letters provide opportunities to cover a wide range of topics. They include the following: the doctrine of Scripture, the doctrine of election, the doctrine of the second coming of Christ, the resurrection of the dead, the “catching up” of believers, the destruction of Jerusalem and the Jewish temple, and the slaughter and dispersion of the Jews in AD 70, persecution and providence, the Great Commission, “seeker-hostile” ministry, the relation of metaphysics and ethics in apologetics, justice, revenge, and atonement, the sin of slander, the minister’s right to financial support, the sin of idleness, and the correct policy toward idlers, cessationism and prophecy, and some observations on hermeneutics. In addition, an outstanding feature of this book is an extended exposition and argument on the matter of whether the Jews murdered Jesus.
Commentary on First Peter
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This commentary offers a basic but thorough exposition on the text of First Peter. In the process, it touches on topics such as the doctrine of election, the meaning of divine foreknowledge, issues with Bible translations, the right perspective toward suffering and persecution, the gospel in the Old Testament, the atoning work of Christ, supralapsarianism vs. infralapsarianism, the priesthood of all believers, the intellectual and moral depravity of unbelievers, submission to authority (citizens to officials, slaves to masters, wives to husbands), divine command ethics, bearing witness to Christ by our words and deeds, love and humility within the church community, spiritual gifts, labor and racial issues, the authority and compensation of church elders, and resisting our enemy, the devil.
Commentary on Malachi
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Besides providing a basic exegesis of Malachi, this book applies the Old Testament text to Christian life and thought. In the process, it addresses topics such as election, history, marriage, tithing, ministry, reverence, and judgment. “Then those who feared the LORD talked with each other, and the LORD listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the LORD and honored his name.”
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Captive to Reason
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This is a collection of articles on Christian philosophy and apologetics. It answers a number of objections raised by some professing Christians against biblical metaphysics, epistemology, and apologetics. It is a corrective to both evidentialism and counterfeit presuppositionalism. Chapters include: “Occasionalism and Empiricism,” “The Fatal Maneuver,” “Professional Morons,” “Power Apologetics,” and “The Preacher Speaks Philosophy.”
Apologetics in Conversation
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This short guide introduces principles that enhance a Christian’s performance and effectiveness in informal debates. Although they are easy to understand and implement, they are invincible weapons that ensure victory in our intellectual confrontations with the non-Christians.
The Author of Sin
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This is a collection of articles on divine sovereignty, human freedom, and the doctrines of grace. It provides a corrective to popular Calvinism. Chapters include: “The Author of Sin,” “Why God Created Evil,” “Compatibilist Freedom,” “The Doctrine of Hell,” “The Problem of Evil,” and “The Preservation of the Saints.”
Blasphemy and Mystery
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Most of the articles in this collection are written in response to objections raised against various aspects of Christianity. Although some of these objections come from unbelievers, several are from professing Christians who have been critical of the consistently God-centered system of theology, philosophy, and apologetics in Scripture. The objections from professing believers against the Christian faith exhibit patterns of reasoning that are remarkably similar to those found in unbelievers, including some of the intellectual habits and assumptions that underlie atheism. In connection with this, several of the articles examine some of the most treasured and ingrained doctrines that professing believers have invented in order to subvert the teachings of Scripture. They show that these traditional doctrines are not only unbiblical, but often even blasphemous.
Born Again
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This is an exposition of John 3:1-21, on the encounter between Jesus and Nicodemus. “Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.”
The View from Above
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By presenting select episodes and discourses from the life of Christ, the Gospel of John offers a heavenly philosophy that is superior to any earthly philosophy. This book is a collection of articles on the first four chapters of the Gospel. Drawing attention to the foundational principles of this heavenly philosophy, it enables readers to appreciate the wisdom and power that the Lord Jesus has brought to us “from above,” so that we may no longer think and live as people “from below.” Rather, because we have been born “from above” through Jesus Christ, although we remain in this world, we are no longer of the world. As Christians, we think, speak, and function on a higher plane, an altogether superior level of competence and intelligence.
Reflections on First Timothy
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A series of reflections on Paul’s first letter to Timothy. Chapters include: “The Christian’s Self-Definition,” “The Non-Christian’s True Nature,” “Male Leadership in the Church,” “Strange Uses of Scripture,” “The Doctrines of Demons,” and “The Secret of Contentment.”
Reflections on Second Timothy
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A series of reflections on Paul’s second letter to Timothy. Chapters include: “God the Author,” “A Spirit of Power,” “A Public Intellectual System,” “Teaching the Devil’s Captives,” “Theocentrism vs. Anthropocentrism,” and “Alone, But Never Alone.”
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Invincible Faith
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Chapters include: “The Bible, the Preacher, and the Spirit,” “Students in the Real World,” “Human Struggle and Divine Sovereignty,” “Faith to Move Mountains,” “The Passover Blood,” and “The God of Disasters.”
The Light of Our Minds
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This little book stresses two themes – namely, the biblical emphasis on the mind and the monopoly of the Christian worldview over the intellectual realm. Together, these chapters serve as a reminder for the Christian to love God with all his soul and all his mind.
On Good and Evil
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God wants us to recognize good as good, evil as evil, and never confuse the two. As Christians, we must learn to discern and uphold God’s standards regarding good and evil. The purpose of this book is to assist the reader in gaining the ability to discern good and evil, and in addition to this, to unashamedly love good and hate evil, as the Scripture commands us to do.
Pure Religion
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Contents: 1. God is not Mocked, 2. Pure Religion, 3. Policy on Charity, 4. The Noble Bereans, 5. The One Thing Needed, and 6. As a Man Thinks.
Prayer and Revelation
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Some theological reflections on prayer and its relation to the nature of God, the character of the believer, and the life of the mind. Contents: Prayer and the Triune God, Prayer and the Divine Nature, Prayer and the Moral Life, and Prayer and the Inner Life.
Godliness with Contentment
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Contents: 1. The Meaning of Discipleship, 2. Godliness with Contentment, 3. Biblical Guidance and Decision-Making, and 4. The Death of a Christian.
Doctrine and Obedience
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Chapters include: “Seminary and Elitism,” “Occult Science,” “What’s Wrong with White Magic,” “Territorial Spirits,” “Human Cloning and the Soul,” “The Biblical Approach to Evangelism,” and “Reckless Recreation.”
Renewing the Mind
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Contents: 1. Ungodly Counsel, 2. Renewing the Mind, 3. Only God is Good, 4. Unfading Beauty, and 5. Theology of War.
Biblical Healing
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A concise introduction to biblical healing. Contents: 1. Healing and Atonement, 2. Healing and Authority, 3. Healing and Ministry, and 4. Healing and Medicine.
The Parables of Jesus
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This book contains informal expositions on several biblical parables to derive from them some principles for Christian living. The first chapter focuses on several relevant preliminary issues, such as the nature, purpose, and interpretation of parables. It then discuss the parables themselves in the subsequent chapters.
Samson and His Faith
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In many people’s thinking, Samson is inseparably connected to Delilah, and they seem to think that the entirety of his life as recorded in Scripture has to do with his moral weaknesses and sexual lusts. Thus they say that he is the classic case of one who has “charisma without character.” However, that is an incomplete and inaccurate portrayal of his life. The Scripture’s own commentary on Samson is that he was a man of faith, one of whom “the world was not worthy” (Hebrews 11:38).
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Sermonettes, Volume 1
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Chapters include: “A Greater Threat than Moses,” “The Prosperity of the Wicked,” “Christ and Self-Conference,” “A Gang of Pandas,” “The Lord’s Supper,” “Civil Marriage,” “Homosexuality and the Wrath of God,” and “Cessationism and Speaking in Tongues.”
Sermonettes, Volume 2
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Chapters include: “The Axiom of Gabriel,” “The Anointed One,” “The Elephant in the Room,” “Cast Your Lot with Christ,” “Why You are Not a Christian,” “Evangelism at the Workplace,” “The Legalist’s Worst Nightmare,” and “Is the Death Penalty Hypocritical?”
Sermonettes, Volume 3
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Chapters include: “The Stronger Man,” “Jesus Christ, or Nothing At All,” “Jesus, Remember Me,” “The Mind of Christ,” “Logic and Resurrection,” “Triumphalism and Defeatism,” “Touch No Unclean Thing,” and “The Most Heartwarming Doctrine.”
Sermonettes, Volume 4
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Chapters include: “The Lord of Temptations,” “Wisdom from Heaven,” “The Prayer of Faith,” “The Power of Elijah,” “Many Antichrists Have Come,” “God is Love,” “Tongues and Human Languages,” “Not Forsaking Context,” and “Head Covering and Hermeneutics.”
Sermonettes, Volume 5
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Chapters include: “The Power of Salvation,” “The Wrath of God Revealed,” “In the Footsteps of Faith,” “The Law of the Spirit,” “The Witness of the Spirit,” “All Things for Our Good,” “Submission to Government,” and “Homosexuality and the Mystery of Christ.”
Sermonettes, Volume 6
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Chapters include: “Contend for the Faith,” “God Testified by Miracles,” “God Wanted to Kill Them,” “The Sign of Jonah,” “You Will Receive Power,” “Healing for the Glory of God,” “Cessationism and Church Selection,” and “Romans 9: Individual vs. Corporate Election.”
Sermonettes, Volume 7
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Chapters include: “Progress in God,” “The Devil Also Preaches,” “Ananias and Sapphira,” “The Promise of the Spirit,” “Faith to be Healed,” “Transported by the Spirit,” “Sickness and the Devil,” “The Angry Healer,” and “Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit.”
Sermonettes, Volume 8
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Chapters include: “A Thorn in the Flesh,” “Twisting Scripture on Spirit Baptism,” “Advancing in Healing Ministry,” “The Sovereign Liar Heresy,” “Miracles of Judgment,” “Answering Objections to Corporal Punishment,” and “The Ultimate Anti-Christ Doctrine.”
Sermonettes, Volume 9
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Chapters include: “The Worst Text for Cessationism,” “Faith Override,” “Christian Heathenism: The God of the Hills,” “The Extreme Faith Teacher,” “Cessationists as Mass Murderers,” “Spiritual Physics,” “Healing and God’s Sovereignty,” and “The Edge of Glory.”
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Chapters include: “Science and Sexuality,” “Science is People,” “Holy Water and Magic Crackers,” “The Bible on Speaking in Tongues,” “Satanic Exploitation of God’s Sovereignty,” “By Their Fruit You Will Know Them,” “Baptism, Circumcision, and Covenant,” “Confessionalism and Denominationalism,” “Healing Clothes,” “The Water-Walking Controversy,” “The Culture of Faith-Shaming,” “Suffering: An Existential Fetish,” “Power Over Demons,” “Philosophy and Self-Knowledge,” and “Faith Speaks to Faith.”
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Chapters include: “Expansionism: A Gospel Manifesto,” “Scripture: Sufficient Against Cessationism,” “Cessationism: The Reverse Gospel,” “Cessationism: The Demon Fortress,” “The Gospel Guarantee of Self-Knowledge,” “The Westminster Kill Switch,” “Marks of a True Church,” “Cessationism: The Great Apostasy,” “Cessationism: The Broken Cisterns,” “God and Sickness,” “Satan and Cessationism,” “Cessationism and Damnation,” “Cessationism: A Different Gospel,” “Cessationism: The Alien Religion,” “Cessationism: So Great Damnation,” and “God’s Final Warning to Cessationists.”
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Chapters include: “On Unbeliefism,” “The Already / Not Yet Fallacy,” “Out of Egypt, Dead in Sin,” “Cessationism: A Systematic Apostasy,” “Sola Slogans,” “Cessationism: Worse Than Sorcery,” “Jesus Commanded Extreme Exponential Expansion,” “The Way to Honor the Historical Martyrs,” “Exclusive Psalmody,” “Jargonized Theology,” “Letters on Epidemics,” “Our Critics Always Pay a Price,” “Platitudes as Orthodoxy,” “Predestination and Miracles,” “Doubt is Illegal in the Kingdom,” “The Weapon of Divine Sovereignty,” “Father is not Buddha,” and “Literacy is Devastating for Cessationism.”
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Chapters include: “Our Contract with God,” “The Christian and the Self,” “The Truth About First Peter 3:15,” “On Spiritual Attacks,” “A Matter of Public Health,” “The Primacy of Healing Ministry,” “Prehistoric Orthodoxy,” “Signs of an Apostle,” “Counterfeit Faith,” “Tongues and Edification,” “The Creator-Creature Distinction,” “The Letter and the Spirit in Ethics,” “A Damnable Gospel of Unbelief,” “Faith and Divine Sovereignty,” “True Assent vs. False Assent,” “Historically Important Works,” “Abundant Life,” and “According to Your Faith.”
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Chapters include: “The Hero of Humanity,” “Healing: The Will of Man,” “The Charismatic Matrix,” “The Unpardonable Sin,” “The Doctrine that Jesus Weaponized,” “The Relative Unimportance of Baptism,” “The Absurd Idea of Need,” “Facts about Mary,” and “Behold, I Give You Power.”